the geek chronicles

writing. shooting. embracing life.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Always take care of your heart (literally and figuratively)

I was diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse two years ago by my cardiologist. And because my mother wanted a second opinion we went all the way from St. Luke's to Makati Medical Center just to make sure. We looked for the best cardiologist there was and just like the first, the second cardiologist reassured us that it is not fatal, there's no cure, and I should live life normally. It's congenital, meaning I had it since birth.

The thing is, both doctors told me the good news but they didn't help me get familiarized with the disease. They didn't tell me more about Mitral Valve Prolapse-- its causes and what I should avoid to trigger shortness of breath and migraines. Yes, migraines. I did researching on my own and found out that MVP causes headaches and the dizziness and blackouts I get everytime I try to rise up after lying down are normal with MVPs. They didn't tell me what I should expect nor did they tell me that I shouldn't panic the minute I start having difficulty in breathing. They didn't even tell me the symptoms of the disease!


•Chest pain - check!
•Fatigue - check! I get tired easily.
•Palpitations, extra heart beat - check! check! check! This is definitely not new to me. I get it all the time even if I'm just sitting down or lying in bed, I feel like I went running.
•Lightheadedness, dizziness - check! Especially when I get up from bed-- I get dizzy and sometimes blackout for a few seconds.
•Shortness of breath - check! I feel like I'm drowning or suffocating, all the time.
•Anxiety and/or panic attacks - oh, yes!
•Headaches - yes! yes! yes! can my migraines be MVP related?
•Low exercise tolerance - check! That's why I have low tolerance for the gym but my cardiologist recommends aerobic excerises like swimming, walking, jogging, etc.
•Mood swings - in behalf of Alej, I say "YES".

MVPers report other symptoms. Common ones include:

•chronically cold hands and feet
•gastrointestinal stomach disturbances
•problems with memory or a feeling of fogginess
•inability to concentrate
•mood swings
•problems sleeping
•numbness or tingling of the arms or legs
•arm, back, or shoulder discomfort
•difficulty swallowing
•lump in the throat

And there's more:

•Emotional stress
•Excessive fatigue
•Unaccustomed physical activity
•Being anxious or nervous
•Medicines with stimulants (Excedrin! It has a ridiculous amount of caffeine for migraine)
•Being in a hot, dry environment
•Flu, cold, or other illnesses
•Lack of sleep
•Skipping meals
•Rushing around
•Lying on the left or right side

So it's really crazy. The doctors sugarcoated my heart condition and I hate it because they didn't tell me these things. They should have told me these things so that I won't think that I'm a hypochondriac or even crazy half the time. They would have saved me from a lot of worrying. So now you probably know why I keep making up excuses to not see the cardiologist anually for my regular 2D-Echocardiography, Holter monitoring test, and ECG-- they're always in a rush and they don't do me any good. If there's no cure, then I'll live with that. I still think they should have briefed me on Mitral Valve Prolapse and not just diagnosing me with it. I am the patient and I have the right to know.

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Blogger jon go said...

wow! that's scary, be careful always gail.. i agree with you about the doctors, they should have a training seminar on how to handle patients.

2:42 PM  
Blogger art lover said...

that's kinda scary.. doctors should make their patients a priority meaning give and tell everything that their patients need to know...i mean they took an oath..

take care!

4:43 PM  
Blogger Joseph Forest a.k.a. Joselito L. said...

on the other hand, gail, i'm quite surprised that as computer and tech savvy as you are, you didn't google your heart condition as soon as you got hold of a pc after receiving your diagnosis!!! maybe those doctors didn't elaborate on your condition precisely because they know you can easily find it out for yourself! whenever i get home from a doctor's appointment, the 1st thing i do is look up in the internet my health condition...that way, i know what what's wrong with me and what precautions to take....and what to ask the doctor next time i see him/her!!!

7:42 PM  
Blogger Gail Mallo said...

GAIL: Thank you tito jon. The scariest part of my health is when mama's doctor (for her diabetes) told me that I'm like a computer program programmed with hereditary diseases. For example, I am hypertensive. It's not a lifestyle disease for now but when I hit late thirties the diseases programmed into my body will all surface. The genes are inside my body. It's not the right time yet. Isn't that scary? And I'm next in line to get diabetes from Mama!

KIT: my point exactly!

TITO LYNN: I did google it right after my check-ups and tests. Ngayon ko lang nakita yung ibang signs and symptoms. The other websites I checked only had mostly palpitations and shortness of breath sa list nila and all I found out was that it's not fatal. :/ This website was something else.

10:32 PM  
Blogger Bluejedi said...

The good thing is that you are now armed with the relevant info on your heart condition. Advances in medicine may someday find a are young so enjoy life. I believe you want to have a family of your own one day so I suggest you ask the MDs (or the mighty Google) if you are a candidate for high risk pregnancy. I don't mean to scare you even more but the worms are out of the can anyways. Good luck!

7:10 AM  
Blogger Gail Mallo said...

BLUEJEDI: according to this:, women with MVP generally tolerate pregnancy well. But women with hypertension are prone to sudden death.

Hypertension just had to rain on my parade. :/

11:44 AM  
Blogger Joseph Forest a.k.a. Joselito L. said...

hay naku gail....just live your life to the hilt and enjoy it!!! it's good to be informed....but don't let too much info ruin it for you. these info are here to guide you....what's true for some may not be true for you!

just be grateful for what you have....and stay happy...always!!!

luv yah!!!

7:42 PM  
Blogger Gail Mallo said...

TITO LYNN: right on, tito ninong! luv you too! :D

1:37 AM  
Blogger KAI said...

That scares me, man. I was going through the symptoms, and I think I barely got anything unchecked. I'm a big person, and I eat like a rugby player. I've always been forwarned about my chewing habits, but never did I listen. Gee, thanks for sharing this. I shall be careful now. Or maybe after the holidays, haha!

1:56 PM  
Blogger selle said...

hi gail! you and my hubby share the same thoughts on doctors. i just tell him that they are still God's instrument to cure us thus the need to consult one. but then, as you very well said, they should have been straight up from the start. the least they can do is to help you understand what youre going through and not just sugarcoat their patients' condition.

11:04 PM  
Blogger Gail Mallo said...

KAI: We should take care of our health as early as now because lifestyle diseases are so hard to deal with. I see that from my diabetic mom.

SELLE: glad i'm not alone! :D

AYZ: You should be checked!!! Go see the doctor already!

7:42 PM  

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