the geek chronicles

writing. shooting. embracing life.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas Blues

I caught the Christmas blues lately. I don't even know if there is such a thing but if there's a "birthday blues" then there must be Christmas blues. Maybe it's because I miss my parents and we're not going to be together again for the holidays. And there are lot of other things inside my head. Many have pointed out that I think too much, stress too much, and worry over things that don't need to be worried over. But this is me. I'm too emotional sometimes and it just sucks. I wish I were born with a button that I could push when I want my brain to shut down for a while to give me a little down time before it gets running again.

It's just eight days more then it's Christmas day already. I still haven't gone Christmas shopping. Boohoo. But I'm looking forward to the Christmas dinner I'm planning with my high school (Abu Dhabi) friends. I miss them. How odd, I just saw them less than two weeks ago. Ah well. I'm also sad that I missed the Christmas dinner with my college friends. I haven't been going to the dinner get-togethers lately with them that's why I'm really looking forward to hanging out with my UP friends.

Maybe Christmas is the time to be nostalgic. If it happens to normal people, then you probably know that I'm going to be extra nostalgic and emotional because I am a basket case like that. Last night I was watching World's Most Amazing Videos on AXN and you know what? I cried. I cried over a boat exploding and no one even died or got hurt seriously. Advertisements make my lips quiver and movies with sappy storylines make me teary-eyed like that sequel to Dr. Dolittle. I remember one time I got teary-eyed while talking to Mitchie about the documentary on Discovery Channel about the Olympics! Sheesh.

I was probably dropped on the head when I was a baby or my mother watched too many drama movies. I don't know, is there an explanation why a person is too emotional?

On a lighter note, I had a good night's sleep yesterday. Nyum nyum. I think it pays to be tired after a long day because the following days you'll crash onto the pillow and be knocked out in minutes. I was too tired yesterday to even lift a finger. But I'm fine now. Refreshed and ready to face the week. A lot more nostalgic, yes but still happy, nevertheless.

I don't know why but I feel like blurting this out...TO MY FAMILY, MY FRIENDS, AND EVERYBODY ELSE... I LOVE YOU ALL. =)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get the blues at Christmas.

3:36 PM  
Blogger Dei Vy said...

i love you too girl!! you're a good person, that's real beauty. you're not abnormal for being too emotional. some people are just good at hiding their own emotions. we are simple creatures and are more alike than different. we just see the surface most of the time.

4:11 PM  
Blogger Gail Mallo said...

DEBLEA: I hope you're better now or you will get better soon.

DAIVY: Thanks Dei! You're a good person too and I hope you get to open that cookie business of yours. I'll be your biggest fan! :D

10:20 PM  

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