the geek chronicles

writing. shooting. embracing life.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

case study jitters

My case study groupmates and I finished our manuscript a little early and had it bound all twenty copies of them for submission tomorrow. I'm actually happy we finished it early because I am a firm believer of Murphy's Law-- just when you need everything to run smoothly, anything that could go wrong WILL GO WRONG. So I've stopped being the last minute girl (except occasionally haha) because when you need the printer to print, it will screw up the moment you need it the most.

So I'm psyched and SCARED at the same time because I haven't seen the finished product of our blood-and-sweat labor. I'm scared to flip over the pages, go through it, and realize that we made mistakes. We don't have the chance to revise the manuscript so whatever was written in there will be scrutinized come case presentation/defense. I'm so scared but in a good way because I'm pretty sure this horrible ordeal will fly by and I can celebrate for one or two weeks of summer until I go back for intensive lecture for the rest of the summer holiday. I could complain, ramble endlessly about how it just kills the fun of summer to be in class eight hours a day everyday with clinicals in between but I'm actually happy about it because I need to FEEL PRODUCTIVE.

Also, I'm trying to see if I can juggle freelance writing. We'll see!

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