the geek chronicles

writing. shooting. embracing life.

Monday, December 20, 2004

i sit here dizzy. when i look around the room it's like the whole world is spinning in circles. i dare not entertain the idea of nausea because i might throw up on the floor. i'll just think of happy thoughts. this line is becoming an inside joke of mine. i say it all the time. heh.

it's weird not having a cellphone around. my phone, in particular, because it's still dead with a blocked sim card. no one texts often but it's still different having a phone. i miss my school friends already. it's my lifeline to my parents too.

i've been watching tv too much but i'm enjoying the interesting things i've been seeing. this morning i woke up and headed to the living room in a zombielike trance. i automatically reached for the remote and channel surfed. the documentary on Discovery Channel about John F. Kennedy's assasination caught my eye. i didn't know he got shot on the head (yeah, go on and laugh). i actually saw the part of the video when the side of his head splattered. poor Jackie Kennedy. must've been horrible to see your husband die like that.

in the afternoon i watched the movie Murder in Greenwich today on HBO. it's a movie based on the Martha Moxley murder in 1975. it was interesting. the murder was solved only 2 decades after by a detective who also worked on the O.J. Simpson murder. catch it on HBO. hours later i found myself browsing the website until i found a couple of links related to unsolved murder cases. when my uncle came up to the room and saw what i was doing on the internet, he thought i was planning a murder.

then there was a Christmas movie, Secret Santa. Jenny Garth starred in it. it caught my attention. the movie wasn't too bad. in fact, i liked it. but i like Scrooged more. watched it yesterday morning.

when there's no school, i automatically turn into a couch potato. but hey! i'm not complaining. a mug of strong coffee later, i'm up here typing. i'm supposed to write about something interesting but it slipped off my mind. thus, the insignificant details on what i did today.

oh, i forgot to tell...the article on org week is up. it's my little Christmas gift for the org. it's our turn to shine.

i decided to start reading The Purpose Driven Life again. i hope i finish it.

it's such a boring night. i feel dizzy too so i'm going to log off and channel surf for now.


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