the geek chronicles

writing. shooting. embracing life.

Friday, December 10, 2004

we did it through cooperation and hardwork

during the preparations with orgmates and blockmates. haha! proof that we DID HAVE MUCH FUN no matter how tired we were from our 7am-2:30am classes :) the freaky picture is of our pseudo fortune teller! mwahaha! fake! fake! fake! but i swear, the customers liked him because he made them laugh so hard! :P i'm the dork with the black cardigan, by the way. it was freezing when i went to school at 6am in the morning!

the pink ladies (hehe!) are the seniors. a lot of people came (more than we had expected) and that's Mervyn in green posing with the Popeye's styros hehe! :P

the freshmen!!! they were really helpful during the whole activity. *clap clap* the last picture on the lower right is that of some of my blockmates.

i still can't believe org week went and passed. it was a success! i must admit, i didn't think it would be this successful since during the preparation for the org's first year anniversary... there were a lot of pressure, misunderstandings, and cramming. we sort of crammed the whole exhibit thing and because the Publicity committee (where i belong) was in-charge of the exhibit, we had to rush things. but lo and behold! everything went fine and all the hardwork really paid off. Popeye's did a great job sponsoring us because they contributed food good for 100 people with drinks and all. hurray!

the whole org week was fun. i played my role (the camera did too) and tried to help out as much as i could although i feel that what i had contributed wasn't enough. credit goes to all the members (the ones who were active during the preparation and during the event itself) because we did a pretty good job!

i'm glad i stayed for the open tambayan, raffle draw, and preparing the food. i'm the COMELEC head so i had to take care of the induction (call the professor, gather incoming officials and stuff...). i volunteered to pick up the food from Popeye's (our sponsor) at Rob. it was so hilarious because i went with Iesel and two other freshies. the boxes (with styros of chicken) were really heavy! we were huffing and puffing all the way back to UPM!

orgmates: I LOVE YOU ALL! :) we will rule the world! teambuilding ulit sa Laguna! mwahahaha!!!


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