the geek chronicles

writing. shooting. embracing life.

Tuesday, November 7, 2006

I just wrapped up the second season of Grey's Anatomy. A "Greyhead", Kai called me. I like the sound of that. There are so many reasons why I like Grey's Anatomy. You know how the Goo Goo Dolls sang this line in Iris? "When everything feels like the movies / Yeah you bleed just to know you're alive." It's kind of that way, except it's the other way around. Confusing? I mean to say that watching this show made me realize how life is just like the movies or drama series. Like what I'm doing now. I think about my life and I think about the show and I feel like some parts of it is similiar to that of my own life's experiences. I saw the parallelism of life and G.A. and I came up with the conclusion-- one of the reasons why the show clicked is the fact that it actually talks about life, real life. Well, maybe not in the exact way it's happening to us but it has its parallelism. At least with mine.

I also realized that the show tells us one thing-- life is complicated but we learn to get over with our issues and deal with them. And whatever you do or whatever happens: DO NOT LET THE EGG SHELLS CRACK. (If you know what I mean).

Here are some of my favorite quotes from the show:

"A couple of hundred years ago, Benjamin Franklin shared with the world the secret of his success. Never leave that till tomorrow, he said, which you can do today. This is the man who discovered electricity. You think more people would listen to what he had to say. I don't know why we put things off, but if I had to guess, I'd have to say it has a lot to do with fear. Fear of failure, fear of rejection, sometimes the fear is just of making a decision, because what if you're wrong? What if you're making a mistake you can't undo? The early bird catches the worm. A stitch in time saves nine. He who hesitates is lost. We can't pretend we hadn't been told. We've all heard the proverbs, heard the philosophers, heard our grandparents warning us about wasted time, heard the damn poets urging us to seize the day. Still sometimes we have to see for ourselves. We have to make our own mistakes. We have to learn our own lessons. We have to sweep today's possibility under tomorrow's rug until we can't anymore. Until we finally understand for ourselves what Benjamin Franklin really meant. That knowing is better than wondering, that waking is better than sleeping, and even the biggest failure, even the worst, beat the hell out of never trying." - Meredith Grey


"Maybe we like the pain. Maybe we're wired that way. Because without it, I don't know; maybe we just wouldn't feel real. What's that saying? Why do I keep hitting myself with a hammer? Because it feels so good when I stop." - Meredith Grey


"Intimacy is a four syllable word for, "Here's my heart and soul, please grind them into hamburger, and enjoy." It's both desired, and feared. Difficult to live with, and impossible to live without. Intimacy also comes attached to the three R's... relatives, romance, and roommates. There are some things you can't escape. And other things you just don't want to know." - Meredith Grey


I'm hungry for more Grey's Anatomy and thanks to Mikko, I'm going to feed that hunger. Only, it will take me a couple of hours before I get episodes from the third season but I'm getting there! ;)


>I ♥ the soundtrack too. My ipod has a playlist for Grey's Anatomy! Awesome tracks!

>I need a bigger, better flash disk. My poor 256MB thumbdrive will succumb to my mp3s and image files if I transfer them there. A new 2gig flash disk will do the job, maybe. I'm mass dowloading tracks from G.A. and episodes from the third season. Poor laptop. :(

>It's a good time to take a nap but no thanks to too much instant coffee, I'm wide awake!

>Browsing the Bento Box pool at Flickr made me hungry. *pulls hair*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yey! Congrats on finishing the 2nd season! Have fun with the 3rd! :) I'm always on a GA high. My life is less complicated than the characters in the show, but sometimes I wish my life wasn't so ordinary. Haha!

BTW, I download my Grey's Anatomy episodes as Torrents through Torrentspy. It takes about 3 hours to download, depending on how many people are seeding. Sometimes it takes less, sometimes more. You'll need a torrent client like BitTorrent or BitLord to download. :)

Torrentspy is also where I download my other favorite shows: Lost and Prison Break. I don't get to burn them right away, kaya palaging kawawa MacBook ko! hahaha!

Anyway, My Prison Break download just finished! Off to watch =P hahaha!

8:34 PM  
Blogger Gail Mallo said...

YEY! thanks for the tips, Anna! Never ko pa na-try ang BitTorrent or downloading thru seeding so I'm trying it now. There will be no sleeping tonight. HAHA!


9:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im in love with grey's anatomy as well =(( late night continously playing eating ourselves to death, laughing crying... mcdreamy! =p
just passin by

8:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha, you're a bonafide GREYHEAD, dude! Love it! :P If you want easy access to season 3 episodes, has them all for streaming. You can just go there and watch. ;) Get ready for McSteamy! He's SO sizzling! Hahaha!

1:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tried upon the suggestion of my friend who lives in Cali. Argh! I failed because it's only available to US residents ONLY. HMP! *pulls hair*

I still go for McDreamy and Dr. Burke! HAHA! :D

3:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that sucks!! they shouldn't block other users from watching gray's anatomy.

anyways, do you watch the OC? summer's dad is a doctor and he mentioned he has an upcoming trip and guess where's he's headed???? to seatle grace hospital. same place!! omg! i wonder if they're going to have that collaboration thing where he's going to meet grey's anatomy people. ?? oh well. we'll wait and see!

10:55 AM  

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