the geek chronicles

writing. shooting. embracing life.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

random thoughts. brain not functioning properly.

i ripped a couple of my old cds consisting of songs that i used to listen to. i then transferred them to the ipod. after a few minutes of listening to the songs... i don't know HOW I WAS ABLE TO LISTEN TO SLOW SONGS, the way senti kind!! no point in getting all senti especially on a rainy afternoon like what we had a while ago. i swear, i was getting senti. i lay there on my bed under the covers with eyes closed. slow jams streamed from the earphones and if i did not catch myself earlier than i did, i would've wallowed in self-pity and just pure sentimentality. so up i stood and listened to the usual music i listen to-- pop rock, alternative, noise.. whatever you call it. it suits me better.

i forgot to tell that i finally saw the Harry Potter: Goblet of Fire trailer when i watched Fantastic Four. WOW! i was salivating over it but the trailer was just a teaser. too short! SHOW ME MORE!!! i love Harry Potter! if you saw the trailer ages ago, please ignore my enthusiasm or this whole post in general :) i'm just excited :) plus... the next installment of the book is coming out too! *dances around* i'm currently reading Book 5: The Order of Phoenix but blame school for my lack of free time to read. BLAHHH.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha... that's something new for you, i bet.

and now I'm missing Emma Watson. how I wish I had the time to reserve a copy of The Half-Blood Pronce...

10:03 PM  

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