i am having thesis proposal troubles. argh. you see, we don't have exams for my SocSci Res 192 (Thesis Proposal) class but we're required to keep a blog with our thesis proposal ideas there. this way, the professor will able to monitor the progress of our grueling quest for thesis propsal topics. in my case... i don't know! argh. i must make time to actually focus on writing something decent related to thesis proposals. thesis gives me the shivers. and another paper for this class. actually, it's a "baby thesis", not an essay anymore judging from the requirements he's giving us. shit.
so anyway, i should know better than to go online again after being lectured by my father this morning on radiation from computers and my health regarding my being in front of this machine. phew. that was a long sentence. but seriously. he was pretty angry already and i had to change the topic. i've been getting migraine attacks more often than before and yesterday was a killer. it felt like someone was drilling a hole on my left temple. it was that bad. so i had to take excedrin when advil didn't work. excedrin worked wonders, as usual and i didn't get dizzy like used to.
i watched the music video of Luther Vandross's Dance with My Father, the tribute video for him after he died last week. poor guy. he was so young. but yeah, i had to cry while watching it because it made me really sad. death makes me sad even if it's a stranger.
my family and i are going to Subic tomorrow because my father wants to go on a road trip. talk about spontaneous. i think i got my wanderlust from him. he likes road trips. we might bring Amidala with us! i talked my father into it and promised to take care of Amidala in the car so that she won't poo or pee :) HEHE. i'll bring her little doggie bed with us so she could sleep there.
well, i need to go now. HAHA. before my father catches me.
death is a bitter-sweet reality in the sense that you cant help but feel that you've been cheated because you wont be able to see that person again, but then, you trust that they are in a safe and a much better place.
thought that id drop by and say hi since its been a while since we communicated. things have been going pretty well for me, save for the last couple of days when i found out that a friend of mine passed away last wednesday, im not too sure what i feel at the moment, i spend hours at a time thinking about so many things that its driving me crazy.
ive also been bloghopping alot as of late to see what my friends are up to, since its been a while since i dropped in on them as well. ive been so caught up with school work, this girl ive been currently seeing and with everything else, that its taken something like my friends passing for me to sit back, relax and take time to smell the roses.
sorry if im rambling but im just sitting here typing away, hope to hear from you soon, take care and hope you have a great time in subic, never been but would love to go one of these days,
God bless!
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