the geek chronicles

writing. shooting. embracing life.

Friday, October 8, 2004

i love staying home

no school today which is a good thing because i get to bum before continuing with more finals. watched Abandoned this afternoon on cable while wolfing down a cup of strawberry yogurt. i liked the movie. a lot. it gets you thinking after the movie and the ending is unpredictable. i like psychology-related movies because i like psychos. not quite. i just have a thing for the mind. other movies that i suggest you watch which are psychological are: the butterfly effect and a beautiful mind. i always thought i'd take up Psychology in college. maybe it's not too late. i can minor in Psychology. but that would be too unrelated to Social Science.

anyway, my grade school friend Rachel called too. i had to run all the way upstairs when i heard the phone faintly ringing from a distance because i was charging the battery. i hardly recognized her voice because she sounded so different. plus, the line was unclear so i tried very hard listening to what she was saying. but anyway, it's funny how time changes people. then again, we were in grade school when i last saw her so yes, she must have changed a lot. nevertheless, it was nice hearing from her again. Rachel never forgets. thanks, Rach! the phone call brought about lots of memories!

i remember Rachel and i liked watching Mtv. when we see a good video or song that we both really liked, one of us would call and then let the other know that the video is on tv. then we'd watch it together while we were on the phone. those were good times :) i miss you Rach i hope i can visit you up there in Cali soon after graduation!

now i have to go study for 2 finals tomorrow. after tuesday i'm free from school and that would make me really really happy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey silly one, I didn't know you blogged about the phone call incident=) hehe I miss you too dearly, that's why I called you! No prob! And expect me to call again sometime soon... Maybe I'll just surprise you again=) Take care Gail! ~Rach

6:45 PM  
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