the geek chronicles

writing. shooting. embracing life.

Sunday, May 1, 2005


swimming yesterday with my grade school friends was fun. we played games at the pool and the diving for a five peso coin under the pool got my eyes bloodshot and my head throbbing with a headache. the food was okay. lunch at McDonald's and dinner of two boxes of pizza. a huge box of freshly baked brownies by my mother kept our tummies from rumbling during the afternoon as well as bottles of fizzy drinks and chips which Albert and i got from the nearby supermarket. UBE (Ultimate Bonding Experience hehe) at Starbucks, The Loop before midnight after dinner, camwhoring, and talking . then it was home for me. i was supposed to watch Garden State at past 1am but i was already too tired (my body ached like hell and my eyes watered like crazy) so i crashed on my bed with fluffy pillows and all and dozed off in less than a few minutes.

the next morning i woke up at 11am. ack. it has been a while since i last overslept like that. i still had the killer migraine after the long sleep. this afternoon i watched Finding Neverland again and my eyes watered again. hay. it's such an inspiring movie which fits my favorite quote from Under the Tuscan Sun, "Never lose your childhood enthusiasm." i think people need more of childlike enthusiasm in them. in a crazy world we live in, we get caught up in the topsy-turvey world of our jobs, school, or life in general. children do know how to have fun. yes, they are naive but sometimes people stress out on too many things that they actually forget to stop and breathe a little. the movie is magical for me. i wish i could believe in Santa Claus and fairies again. it's nice to believe that such creatures exist... that Neverland is not too faraway where children remain children forever and where you get to leave all your troubles. James Barrie was a genius.

i'm off to watch The Garden State now. i just came home from church with my family and then dinner. okay bye!

[edit @ 12:12AM]

Garden State
a refreshing movie. i personally think Zach Braff is a genius! by refreshing, i mean the story is different. it's not your typical movie and i don't know why it wasn't shown here at the theaters. the soundtrack is awesome too! i've been downloading songs from the soundtrack. natalie portman is a versatile actress. she can act really mature (Closer) and can switch back to being younger than she really is (Garden State). people deal with all kinds of shit phases in their lives. sometimes we wish we were numb (i know i do) but come to think of it... it still feels good to actually FEEL even if it HURTS because thats what reminds us that we're human... susceptible to every form of pain among a long list of emotions. it reminds us that we're ALIVE. there were also a lot of kilig moments and scenes when you wish you had your own personal "Large" doing those things for/to you because face it, girls. it does feel good when someone gives up something really big just to be with you!

If Only
at the beginning, you'd get caught in between liking or hating the movie. i know i did. i got to a point when i wanted to switch off the tv and go back to my downloading Garden State sountrack mp3s. but i still watched it and the movie was able to draw my attention back to it in the ending because of the twist. it even made me cry. the probable reason why i wasn't too affected in the beginning at all was because i don't have anyone that i am capable of loving that much yet. but if i imagine myself in the shoes of someone who was about to lose a loved one, i know it would drive me crazy. if i ever lose someone i love so much, i know it would drive me straight to the mental hospital or maybe i'd beg a doctor to heavily medicate me just so i could run away from pain. no wait. i just said pain makes us feel most human. bleh. i'm now contradicting myself. maybe it's on a case-to-case basis. hehe. but i'm just exaggerating just so you would now what losing someone would do to me.

so much for my movie watching spree (funny i called it that even if it was just two movies!). now i'm back to cable tv. hello, Oprah.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i cried watching finding neverland.. dang, johnny is good..

9:15 PM  

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