the geek chronicles

writing. shooting. embracing life.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

bend a little

I believe in the power of compensation. Better to bend than to break, yes? So when people cannot compensate because they're too stubborn to bend to other people for the sake of compromising so that both sides win, I think it's just sad. It's sad to let pride get in the way, it's sad to be too proud to even try to see how it is at the other side of the fence. Close minded people will never get their points through the other party because they don't try to compromise, they just want their way ALL THE TIME. They don't even TRY.

Sadly, it's a pattern. This closemindedness and lack of the ability to compromise becomes a bad habit to break. It has a ripple effect. Again, PRIDE is the culprit. This type of people, in my opinion, will not be able to work well in a group or as a team because a stubborn leader is hard to follow when all he acknowledges is himself. All he listens to is himself. A true leader is one who picks up ideas from brainstrorming of the ENTIRE team. PRIDE is like rust that eats away the outside until the core gets eaten too. It's just too bad because "no man is and island". A pompous attitude might work in an island ala Castaway starring Tom Hanks but in the real world, we have to deal with people, we have to consider their thoughts, their opinions, their feelings too and not just our own. It's like the way of the universe.

Bend a little, try it, it's easier to manage.


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