the geek chronicles

writing. shooting. embracing life.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

random thoughts:

#1 Sylvia Plath. something about her moves me or perhaps everything about her moves me. i've heard of her name countless times in the past-- of how she was such a brilliant poet and of her notorious suicide brought about by her depression. i wonder why it is only now that i became drawn to her. perhaps her suicide was that intriguing, as well as the life she lived being depressed and all, that made me drawn to her. so when i went to Powerbooks less than two weeks ago, i made a mental note to myself to not leave the bookstore without finding The Bell Jar, Plath's autobiographical novel.

#2 i sympathize with the Muslim Filipinos because they are being branded as "terrorists" just because a number of rebel Muslim Filipinos have been involved with terrorism.

#3 looked at the mirror a while ago and noticed how my hair looked like a messy lump with my ponytail hanging for its dear life. i did not even bother to fix it. i smiled. i realized how i love being home in just my house clothes-- baggy faded t-shirt and shorts. i like the way i can look as haggard as i could possibly look and not give a care about it (not that i don't look haggard on ordinary days... i don't even bother to fix myself up sometimes).

#4 i've become hard-headed in such a way that i refuse to sleep late at night even if my eyes are already half-closed. then in the morning when it's time to wake up, i grumble because i tell myself that i need more sleep.

#5 today i downloaded a hefty amount of photoshop brushes and true type fonts. :) happy!

#6 downloaded more than 15 themes for my phone. it's addictive.

#7 i asked my cousin to buy me a 256MB USB memory stick and i'm going to get it from her condo tomorrow. we might drop by Chello's Doughnuts N' Dips too :9

#8 changed the graphic up there to a picture i took of the sky. i was on my way home and looked up. i love looking at clouds so i used the photo instead.


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