the geek chronicles

writing. shooting. embracing life.

Sunday, August 1, 2004

Saturday night live in Gail's world

galle earlier with my sister and her boyfriend- the two people that i hang out with most of the time next to my college friends. it felt great to take a breather for even just half a day. it felt great to not think about anything school-related for a few hours.

the morning was infuriating because i had to wake up extra early for my community service class (don't ask, i know i should've finished this is freshman year) only to find out that my professor wasn't going to attend right when i got to campus. next time i have to pay extra attention to my instinct because this morning i had planned on skipping the class. who goes to class on saturdays anyway?

so anyway, my cough is getting worse by the day. i think this is because i have been stuffing my face with chocolate covered macadamia nuts. i can eat one box in one sitting and i think that is just sad because chocolate is not good for the health (but it's good for the taste buds and for the heart!). who can blame me for having a sweet tooth? when we went grocery shopping today i got:

1. chocolate lollipops
2. chocolate covered marshmallows
3. chocolate covered macadamia nuts
4. strawberry Yan-Yan
5. Fox hard candies

tsk tsk. i have rekindled my long lost love for chocolates.

this, my friend, is caffeine addiction at its best.


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