the geek chronicles

writing. shooting. embracing life.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

gym virgin no more

i went to the gym today. gym virgin no more, i say. it was great. i now feel better and less guilty about my unhealthy lifestyle. but it's not that i care about my weight, really. i couldn't care any less because the ironic thing happened when i gave up on trying to be skinny-- people started noticing that i was losing weight. hurray, right? maybe it's my tea-with-squeezed-calamansi drinking habit that is now a ritual. it's addictive-- like drinking coffee or coke and being addicted for the caffeine. only, the lipton teabags i like are caffeine-free to help me sleep at night with a teaspoon of honey. so basically, i'm addicted to the taste and the soothing feeling it gives my body to help me relax. yeah, i feel more comfortable with my body. so anyone who thinks i'm fat can go to hell. haha. you know i'm kidding. :)

so my first gym experience? it was fun because i had a personal trainer. HAHA! sort-of. he's a personal trainer that doubles as a boyfriend/movie date/food trip partner/bodyguard/punching bag/buddy-buddy/lover HAHA! and everything else. oh yeah, that isn't "double" anymore because that's multiple. haha! and "gym partner" is the latest on the long list of things my boyfriend is for me. i'm definitely going again to break a sweat. i hate being stiff and sitting all day in front of the computer thinking of websites to surf to (i do run out of places to surf to, y'know) isn't my idea of staying fit. i think it's a good thing to stay active than to let all that lard settle into the body.

i just showered. i'm tired. i feel like i want to crawl into bed and sleep until afternoon. but there's still mass in the morning and lunch with the family afterwards. and i can't sleep just yet because my sister isn't home. i have to open the door for her.

notice how much i said "HAHA" in this post. blehhh. :P


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